The annual training course organized by the Geneva Institute for Human Rights on UPR, held on the margins of the Mechanism's 41st session, was launched in Geneva and the discussion of the reports of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria and the Kingdom of Morocco. The course is set to last for five days at the Institute's headquarters and the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
The course involves trainees from several Arab countries: Kuwait, Sudan, Yemen, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria and Egypt and is supervised by a selection of trainers.
The regional training course programme includes: human rights concepts and terminology, the Human Rights Council, the universal periodic review mechanism with a new focus on the fourth cycle of the mechanism, information on the universal periodic review mechanism on the Internet. The course programme also includes attending the working group's discussion of the periodic reports of Bahrain, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.
The annual training course is part of the Institute's strategy and in continuation of its work in raising awareness and defending human rights, citizenship and benevolent human values for the achievement of abuses-free societies where everyone can fully enjoy and exercice their rights, as well as raise awareness of a human rights and fundamental freedoms culture and promote democratic participation.
The Geneva Institute for Human Rights is a non-governmental organization, founded in July 2004, in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. It is an independent human rights awareness-raising institution. The Institute ensures that the principles of equality, dignity and respect are integrated into actual policies and practices at all levels of the public service. It serves as a forum for democratic dialogue, harmony and complementarity of efforts by government institutions, national human rights institutions and relevant civil society organizations to establish the rule of law, democratic institutions and respect for human rights.
Geneva 7 November 2022