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Annual regional training course on international human rights mechanisms


Launch of the annual regional training course on international mechanisms for the protection of human rights.

The annual regional training course organized by the German foundation Friedrich Ebert- Jordan and Iraq Office, in collaboration with the Geneva Institute for Human Rights entitled "International mechanisms for the protection of human rights" began on Sunday, 21 August 2022, via Zoom and will continue until Thursday, 25 August 2022.

Participants in the training course included 22 trainees representing 8 Arab countries: Libya, Jordan, Algeria, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Bahrain, Yemen and Lebanon. The course is supervised by a selection of the training staff of the Geneva Institute for Human Rights.

In his opening statement, Professor Nizar Abdelgadir, Executive Director of the Geneva Institute for Human Rights, noted that the aim of the regional session was to disseminate a culture of human rights and to promote the effective participation of NGOs and NHRIs and to strengthen their influence in discussions and enable them to participate fully and effectively, with a particular focus on human rights protection mechanisms.

The Executive Director also noted that the Geneva Institute for Human Rights was building its strategies to meet the needs of the region's communities in promoting human rights programmes through interaction with the United Nations system, particularly those dealing with human rights. The Institute also works to protect vulnerable groups and to implement the system of protection established by international standards for the protection of human rights and the noble principles and values enshrined in the system of ethics, religions and universal principles.

The programme of the regional training course includes: global human rights trends, human rights concepts and terminology, United Nations Charter-based mechanisms: Human Rights Council, universal periodic review mechanism, special procedures system, core international human rights treaties, treaty mechanisms, treaty committees for the protection of human rights, national mechanisms for the protection of human rights, evolution of women's rights in international instruments, information on mechanisms for the protection of human rights on the Internet.

The regional training course on international mechanisms for the protection of human rights is a continuation of the march initiated by the Geneva Institute for Human Rights with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation of Germany since 2007 and is part of the Institute's activities in the defence of human rights, citizenship and benevolent human rights and the promotion of human rights for internal change.


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