The Right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly & Association
20 Years of Migrant Workers’ Rights
New Threats on the Centennial of the International Women’s Day
Steps towards Full Equality for Those of African Descent
Mourning the Martyrs of Protests in the Arab Region
Freedom of the Press: New Horizons and New Barriers
GIHR Utilizes Cinema for Raising Awareness on Human Rights Issues
Let Spring Blossoms: GIHR Urges Government to Be More Concerned With Human Rights
Call to Remain Faithful to the Sacrifices & Endeavors of Women of Arab Region Revolts
International Day for Tolerance
Call for Addressing Sources of Violence against Women
The World Stands in Solidarity with Palestinian People
General Assembly’s historic resolution: Palestine is a State!
International Day for Persons with Disabilities
International Anti-Corruption Day
International Day of Human Rights
Sudan: transitional justice is prerequisite during the current phase
Let it be a year of freedom and human dignity
More than 750 beneficiaries of GIHR activities in 2012
The International Day for the Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust
International Mother Language Day
International Women's Day: a promise yet to be honored!
International Child Day: Renewed Challenges
Mauritania is underway to ratify the Arab Charter on Human Rights