World Day Social Justice
20th February 2021
On November 26, 2007, the General Assembly declared
20 February as International Day of Social Justice,
highlighting the need to promote social justice and bring
more attention to the various existing social issues including
gender equality, exclusion and poverty.
Similarly, on the 10th of June 2008, the International Labor
Organization unanimously adopted the ILO Declaration on
Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, reflecting the important
role we must play in achieving progress and social justice in
the context of globalization and it’s indispensable effect on
the maintenance of peace and security.
Within that context, statistics highlight that by 2019, more
than 212 million people were unemployed and by 2030 more
than 600 million new jobs will be required to keep pace with
the growth of the working-age population.
The celebration of the International Day of Social Justice
confirms the irrefutable fact that social development and
social justice and the maintenance of peace and security
are closely interlinked with the respect for all human rights
and fundamental freedoms.
This year in particular, the observance of this day focuses on ensuring social justice in the thriving era of the digital economy. The Coronavirus Pandemic has demonstrated the need in adapting to the imposed restrictions which in turn contributed to the growth of the digital economy as the world shifted to digital platforms.
Although digital platforms provided the flexibility needed and income generating opportunities in lieu of traditional workforces, many challenges remain in regards to :
fair working conditions
social protection
as well as unfair competition
and the inability of some to adapt to the digital transformations.
The observance of this occasion provides the opportunity to encourage dialogue with Member States, relevant United Nations institutions and other key stakeholders on the necessary measures required to bridge the digital divide evident between developed and developing countries and ensure equal employment opportunities.
The Geneva Institute for Human Rights praises the efforts of governments, UN agencies, international organizations and other stakeholders in the prevalence of human rights for all, without discrimination on the basis of legal, political or economic circumstances.
The Covid-19 pandemic was key in exposing the alarming inequalities that still persist and hence the Institute stresses on the importance of a human centered approach to tackling the inequalities that remain. In that regard, the Institute stresses on the importance of equal pay, which acts as a necessary tool in ensuring widespread gender equality in the labor market and society.
Furthermore, the Institute appeals to governments and civil society organization to intensify their efforts, enact the necessary legislation and ensure the implementation of key international human rights instruments to propagate equality by all means and eradicate discrimination and injustice.