On the 15th of August 2020, the Geneva Institute for Human Rights published a book titled “Security Council Resolution 1325 and its complementary resolutions”, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of said Resolution. The book is aimed at those working in the field of human rights, with aspiration that this publication will provide support and necessary assistance in the effective implementation of their daily work in raising awareness, human rights education and particularly in regards to women, peace and security.
This book is made available to non-governmental organizations, national institutions and agencies concerned with human rights. Furthermore, it's made available to governments to aid in the development of national action plans for the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325.
The Geneva Institute for Human Rights hopes to continuously update this book in the event of a new resolution on women, peace and security, being issued by the UN Security Council.
The most important goal of the Institute is to raise awareness on human rights and work towards its promotion and protection, in all domains of life. Similarly, the Institute stresses on the universality of human rights, as all human beings are born equal in dignity and rights, and to ensure its reflection nationally and internationally through the utilization of existing human rights protection mechanisms.